HOWEVER - this morning, all is working! I ended up doing a few things, one of which was removing some old junk from my Recovery (D drive - it has only a couple of megabytes of space left. The EpsonNet always crashed at the printer discovery phase. The scanner driver did, in fact, appear to install correctly.

Just for grins, I checked for an updated driver for my Ethernet card (which is connected to my wireless router) and got a "you have the latest drivers" - Interesting. It seems that there is something obviously wrong in my W10 install, but I have no idea what, and I have no idea where to look. I got the latest drivers, ran the install program, and as soon as it got to the point where it had detected the printer on my network, it crashed. I have tried running as administrator, running compatibility check, turning off firewall and virus protection - same thing, no matter what. When it gets to the part where it is going to install the EpsonNet utility (which is what "looks" for the printer on my wireless network & set s up the connection) it always crashes and I get an error message, "EpsonNet has stopped working". I then thought I should remove & reinstall the printer after updating the drivers, so I downloaded the latest driver/utility package from Epson, and started installing it.

I selected my Epson 633 as the default printer, tried again, no luck. Initially, Word said that I had no default printer chosen. I have a Gateway system that I recently upgraded from W7 to W10.